Building Capacity for a Global Genome Editing Observatory: Institutional Design
Krishanu Saha
J. Benjamin Hurlbut
Sheila Jasanoff
Aziza Ahmed
Anthony Appiah
Elizabeth Bartholet
Françoise Baylis
Gaymon Bennett
George Church
I. Glenn Cohen
George Daley
Kevin Finneran
William Hurlbut
Rudolf Jaenisch
Laurence Lwoff
John Paul Kimes
Peter Mills
Jacob Moses
Buhm Soon Park
Erik Parens
Rachel Salzman
Abha Saxena
Hilton Simmet
Tania Simoncelli
O. Carter Snead
Kaushik Sunder Rajan
Robert D. Truog
Patricia Williams
Christiane Woopen
A new infrastructure is urgently needed at the global level to facilitate exchange on key issues concerning genome editing. We advocate the establishment of a global observatory to serve as a center for international, interdisciplinary, and cosmopolitan reflection. This article is the second of a two-part series.