Editorial Aspirations: Human Integrity at the Frontiers of Biology

The meeting responded to the the call made at the December 2015 CRISPR summit in Washington, DC for broad public dialogue and an “international forum” on human genome editing. It convened a conversation among diverse, international experts about what forms of public engagement and deliberation are needed for this purpose, and what mechanisms already exist or are lacking to achieve the stated goals. The meeting led to a consensus that a standing structure like a global observatory was needed.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Biology and Society, Arizona State University with support from Templeton Religion Trust; the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School and the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, with support from the Oswald DeN. Cammann Fund; the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School; the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; and The Future Society.
Opening Panel: Wednesday, April 26
Emerson Hall, Room 105
Open to the public – no registration required!
5:00 - 6:30 Opening Panel
Chair: J. Benjamin Hurlbut (Arizona State University)
- Anthony Appiah (NYU)
- George Church (HMS)
- Glenn Cohen (HLS)
- Sheila Jasanoff (HKS)
- Feng Zhang (Broad Institute)
Workshop: Thursday, April 27
Tsai Auditorium, CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street
8:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School)
- J. Benjamin Hurlbut (Arizona State University
9:00 Panel 1: Human Life and Law: Autonomy, Rights, Integrity, Dignity
Chair: Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School)
- John Paul Kimes (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)
- Laurence Lwoff (Council of Europe)
- Gerald Neuman(Harvard Law School)
- O. Carter Snead (Notre Dame)
- Patricia Williams (Columbia)
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Panel 2: Scientific Possibilities, Concerns, and Responsibilities
Chair: Krishanu Saha (Wisconsin)
- George Daley (HMS)
- Kevin Esvelt (MIT)
- William Hurlbut (Stanford)
- Rudolf Jaenisch (MIT)
- Duanqing Pei (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Panel 3: Mechanisms of Deliberation and Oversight
Chair: J. Benjamin Hurlbut (Arizona State University)
- Françoise Baylis (Dalhousie University)
- Peter Mills (Nuffield Council, UK)
- Erik Parens (Hastings)
- Abha Saxena (WHO)
- Robert Truog (Harvard Medical School)
- Christiane Woopen (University of Cologne)
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 Panel 4: What Role for Publics?
Chair: Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School)
- Kevin Finneran (NAS)
- Bryan Hehir (Harvard Kennedy School)
- Ben Hurlbut (ASU)
- Buhm Soon Park (KAIST, S. Korea)
- Rachel Salzman (Stop ALD)
- Tania Simoncelli (Broad Institute)
5:30 Adjourn
Workshop: Friday, April 28
Museum of Comparative Zoology 101A, Agassiz Room, 26 Oxford Street
Open to speakers and invited participants only
9:00 Toward an International Forum: Constituting a Cosmopolitan Ethics
Roundtable: Elizabeth Bartholet (HLS), Gaymon Bennett (ASU), Kaushik Sunder Rajan (Chicago), Daniel Wikler (Harvard)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Open Discussion: Next Steps and Responsibilities
Participant Biographies
Speaker biographies located here.