

As part of its curating function, the Global Observatory collects, summarizes, and sorts resources relevant to the ethics and governance of emerging biotechnologies. Use the “Search and Filter” box on the left side of the page to navigate the resources in this database.

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Kirstin R. W. Matthews , Ana S. Iltis , Nuria Gallego Marquez , Daniel S. Wagner , Jason Scott Robert , Inmaculada de Melo-Martín , Marieke Bigg , Sarah Franklin , Soren Holm , Ingrid Metzler , Matteo A. Molè , Jochen Taupitz , Giuseppe Testa , Jeremy Sugarman
Published in February 2021 before the ISSCR updated its guidelines, the authors provide an overview of the history of the 14-day rule that originated in the US and the UK, followed by an exposition of the arguments in favor and against extending the rule.
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Sheila Jasanoff
Modern science must move away from the narrow question of technology’s safe use to broader questions of what conceptions of human flourishing should guide the application of powerful tools in fields such as biotechnology. The Global Observatory for Genome Editing will help make this happen.
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International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) revised its guidelines for research on Heritable Human Genome Editing in 2021.
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Françoise Baylis , Marcy Darnovsky , Katie Hasson , Timothy M. Krahn
This article in The CRISPR Journal represents an extensive survey of 106 nations regarding their policies on early-stage embryo genome editing research. It is the product of a collaboration between bioethicists at Dalhousie University and members of the Center for Genetics and Society.
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