

As part of its curating function, the Global Observatory collects, summarizes, and sorts resources relevant to the ethics and governance of emerging biotechnologies. Use the “Search and Filter” box on the left side of the page to navigate the resources in this database.

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Mary Warnock
In a lecture given at Ormond College, Melbourne in July 1986, Mary Warnock provides a summary of the questions and moral dilemmas faced by the committee that she presided over, the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilization and Embryology.
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Department of Health and Social Security
This report follows the recommendation of the Warnock Report (1984) in creating an independent government body to regulate and oversee assisted reproduction. In the following years, given the diversity of views on the subject, the government made a series of public consultations.

Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology
Known as the Warnock Report, this document primarily deals with issues surrounding in-vitro fertility treatments in the UK. However, it also includes recommendations on related matters of research on human gametes and embryos.
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Sheldon Krimsky
Sheldon Krimsky details the events surrounding the 1974 call for a voluntary moratorium that produced the following year’s Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA.
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Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Ethics Advisory Board
This U.S. government report is widely acknowledged to contain (on pages 106-107) the first imposition of a two-week limit on culturing human embryos.
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