
Report of the First Meeting

WHO Expert Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome Editing
The World Health Organization established an international and multi-disciplinary expert panel, composed largely of biomedical researchers, clinicians, and bioethicists, to assess the “scientific, ethical, social, and legal challenges with human genome editing (both somatic and germline)" (2019:1). This report is the product of the Committee’s first two-day meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, during which the members reviewed information and papers for background on its task of advising and making recommendations on governance mechanisms and frameworks (the Committee has since met twice more and produced additional reports). Though the report does not specifically address moratoria, the Committee echoes the belief that “’it would be irresponsible at this time for anyone to proceed with clinical applications of human germline genome editing'" (2019:4), urges anyone engaged in or aware of such research to engage with the Committee “immediately,” and declares intent to produce a registry that includes anyone conducting research and development relevant to the Committee’s task (this registry was launched in August 2019). They emphasize the need for a comprehensive governance framework that includes input from as broad a range of stakeholders as possible and determine that they will further flesh out this governance framework in future meetings.